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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240803SAT: Q866

240803SAT: Q866
What's worse: unrequited love or mutual love but being unable to be together?
짝사랑과 서로 좋아하지만 함께할 수 없는 사랑 중 무엇이 더 힘든가?

Unrequited love and mutual love that can't be together both have their pains, but seeking new relationships and focusing on personal well-being can help overcome these challenges.

짝사랑과 서로 좋아하지만 함께할 수 없는 사랑은 둘 다 고통스럽지만, 새로운 관계를 찾고 개인의 행복에 집중하는 것이 이러한 어려움을 극복하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.




240803SAT: Q866

What's worse: unrequited love or mutual love but being unable to be together?


This is a tough question, and it really depends on the specific situation.

It's hard to make a general statement because there can be many different reasons that prevent two people from being together.


Unrequited love, where one person has strong feelings for another but those feelings aren't returned, can be incredibly painful.

Despite the pain, some might find hope in the fact that they still have a chance to express their feelings or find someone who can love them back.

The possibility of future love can sometimes offer a glimmer of hope.


If there's absolutely no chance of being together, whether the love is unrequited or mutual, it might be healthier to seek new relationships.

Staying in a state of constant longing or unfulfilled love can stop personal growth and happiness.

Finding someone who can be a supportive partner might be the best path forward, allowing for a fulfilling and loving relationship without constant heartache.


In conclusion, both unrequited love and mutual love with separation have their own forms of pain and difficulty.

Unrequited love involves the anguish of unreturned feelings and self-doubt, while mutual love with separation brings the torment of missed opportunities and the sorrow of what could have been.

Each situation requires a different way to cope and move forward.

Seeking new connections and focusing on personal well-being are essential steps in overcoming these emotional challenges.


Words 230 of 64224

Characters 1429 of 387365

Characters excluding spaces 1211 of 328318








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