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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240730TUE: Q862

240730TUE: Q862
Where do you first look at someone you just met? Me? Eyes.
처음 만난 사람을 볼 때 어디를 먼저 보나요? 저는 눈을 봅니다.

When I first meet someone, I look at their eyes because they are very expressive and help establish a connection.

처음 만난 사람을 볼 때, 저는 그들의 눈을 봅니다. 눈은 매우 표현이 풍부하고 친밀감을 형성하는 데 도움이 됩니다.




240730TUE: Q862

Where do you first look at someone you just met? Me? Eyes.


When meeting someone new, the first place I look is their eyes.

Eyes are incredibly expressive and can tell you a lot about a person.

They can convey emotions, confidence, and honesty in a way that words sometimes can't.

This initial eye contact sets the tone for the interaction, helping to establish a connection or sense of trust right from the start.


But my observation doesn’t stop at the eyes.

I also pay attention to a person’s overall demeanor.

This includes their facial expressions, body language, and the way they carry themselves.

These aspects provide additional context about their feelings and intentions.

For instance, a genuine smile or relaxed posture can make a person seem approachable and friendly, while crossed arms or a frown might suggest they are closed off or uncomfortable.


People often say that eyes are the windows to the soul, and I believe there's some truth to that.

When I look into someone's eyes, I feel like I can get a glimpse of their true self.

This is why making eye contact is so important in communication.

It’s a powerful way to show that you are paying attention and that you care about what the other person is saying.

It can also make you appear more trustworthy and sincere.


In summary, when I first meet someone, I look at their eyes because they are highly expressive and can tell me a lot about the person.

This eye contact helps establish a connection and sets the tone for the interaction.


Words 252 of 63122

Characters 1427 of 380420

Characters excluding spaces 1191 of 322352








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