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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240706SAT: Q838

240706SAT: Q838
What do you need now?
지금 무엇이 필요합니까?

Right now, I need a good rest to clear my mind and manage my busy schedule, while also focusing on finding a stable job and making progress on my plans.

현재 저에게 가장 필요한 것은 충분한 휴식을 통해 마음을 가다듬고 바쁜 일정을 관리하는 동시에 안정적인 직장을 찾으며 계획을 차질 없이 진행하는 것입니다.




240706SAT: Q838

What do you need now?


Right now, what I need most is a good rest because I'm quite tired.


This morning, when I first saw this question, my thoughts were different.

I was thinking about needing a new job and making progress on my plans.

The pressure of securing a steady income and advancing in my personal and professional life was my main focus.


Currently, I'm enrolled in a full-time course that demands a lot of my attention and effort.

Balancing this course with other academic plans has been quite challenging.

I am constantly juggling assignments, projects, and deadlines.

While I'm passionate about my studies and determined to succeed, this intense period has shown me how important rest and clear thinking are.


A stable job is one of my main needs right now.

The security and routine of steady employment would provide a solid foundation for my other activities.

I've been searching for a stable job, and I'm hopeful that my efforts will soon pay off.


Making progress on my plans is equally important.

I've set several goals for myself, and achieving them is crucial for my sense of accomplishment and growth.

These plans range from academic achievements to personal development projects.

Each milestone brings fulfillment and motivates me to keep pushing forward.


Despite these needs, I realize that I don't specifically need anything else at this moment.

My current focus is on completing my course and advancing my plans.

I have the resources and support necessary to achieve these goals; what I need is the time and mental clarity to execute them effectively.


In conclusion, what I need most right now is a good rest.

The combination of a stable job, progress on my plans, and mental clarity will help me navigate this busy period effectively.

By prioritizing rest and reflection, I can approach my tasks with renewed energy and focus, ultimately achieving my goals and maintaining my well-being.


Words 315 of 56632

Characters 1867 of 341608

Characters excluding spaces 1573 of 289449








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