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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240523THU: Q794

240523THU: Q794
What do you think death will look like?
죽음은 어떤 모습일까요?

When considering death, I envision a void where all sensations, thoughts, and experiences cease.

죽음을 생각할 때 모든 감각과 생각과 경험이 멈추는 공허가 상상됩니다.




240523THU: Q794

What do you think death will look like?


When I think about death, I imagine a void where all sensations, thoughts, and experiences cease.

This idea helps us understand our mortality.


Death as nothingness means everything stops.

The brain, our control center for thoughts and feelings, stops functioning, ending all personal experiences.

There is no afterlife or awareness, just an eternal void.


This notion can evoke both fear and comfort.

It's daunting as it challenges our desire for continuity and meaning.

Yet, it's also reassuring because if death ends all sensations and thoughts, it also ends suffering.

Death can be seen as a release, offering final peace without pain.


Contemplating death as nothingness encourages us to cherish the present moment.

If life is finite and death is inevitable, our current experiences become more significant.

This perspective urges us to live fully, appreciate life's beauty, and find meaning in everyday actions.

It prompts us to value relationships and pursue passions.


Personally, seeing death as nothingness shapes my outlook on life.

It fosters an appreciation for each moment's preciousness.

Understanding the finite nature of time motivates me to live authentically and purposefully.

This realization guides my decisions and interactions, urging me to embrace life's joys and sorrows.


In conclusion, contemplating death as nothingness provides clarity about mortality.

It emphasizes the importance of our present existence and the fleeting nature of life's moments.

Death reminds us of life's fragility and preciousness, encouraging us to live with intention and appreciation.


Words 238 of 44239

Characters 1565 of 267442

Characters excluding spaces 1347 of 226535








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