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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 230808TUE: Q505


230808 Q505.m4a


230808TUE: Q505

Where would you like to live? (My answer is any Scandinavian country)


Australia, the country I currently call home, has always been one of my dream destinations.

It is a place where I not only wanted to live, but where I am now settling down and building a life for myself.

The decision to move to Australia was driven by various factors, but the allure of its stunning natural beauty and the positive energy exuded by its people played a significant role.


While I hold a deep love for my home country, South Korea, living there has often meant navigating the judgments and opinions of others.

Australia liberates me from societal expectations and this newfound freedom allows me to focus on personal growth and pursuing my passions.

The friendly and welcoming nature of Australians has made me feel at ease.

The multicultural society embraces diversity, fostering acceptance and inclusivity.

Connecting with people from different backgrounds has broadened my horizons and enriched my understanding of the world.


The warm weather makes me feel more alive and energetic.

Living in a warm country has always been my dream.

I'm not a fan of winter, even though I was born in January in South Korea.

I've always been drawn to countries with year-round warmth like Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia.

These tropical regions offer beautiful beaches, clear waters, unique cultures, traditions, and delicious local cuisine.

Living in Australia is a perfect fit for me, as I thrive in warm climates.

Australia's abundance of sunshine and blue skies has made my dream come true.

The energizing sunny days inspire vitality in all aspects of my life.


In conclusion, Australia has become a cherished home for me.

The allure of its natural beauty, the accepting nature of its people, and the abundance of sunshine have all contributed to my deep affection for this country.

While I will always hold a special place in my heart for South Korea, Australia has allowed me to embrace a different way of life and pursue my dreams with a newfound sense of freedom.

I am grateful for the experiences and opportunities this country has provided me, and I look forward to continuing my journey here.


Words 355 of 80065

Characters 2104 of 438914

Characters excluding spaces 1769 of 365357

