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3_____Writing Practice/CNN10 영작 (2112-)

CNN10 영작 후 낭독 연습 CWP001 - 210929WED


CWP001 - 210929WED

001_Anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre


1. Summary of this story :

This story is about the Tulsa Race Massacre that happened 100 years ago. The reporter researched this story since this year, 2021 is 100 year anniversary. It was a really terrible racial violence but hasn’t been mentioned about this for a long time.



This story is about the Tulsa Race Massacre that happened 100 years ago.

The reporter researched this story since this year, 2021, marks the 100th anniversary.

It was a really terrible incident of racial violence that hasn’t been mentioned for a long time.


이 이야기는 100년 전에 일어났던 털사 인종 학살에 관한 이야기다.

기자가 이 이야기를 조사한 것은 올해 2021년이 100주년을 맞는 해이기 때문이다.

오랫동안 언급되지 않았던 인종 학살 중 정말 끔찍한 사건이었다.


2. What I think will happen next with this story :

Hopefully, the Tulsa area overcomes this shameful history and thrives as it was before and people should remember this racial violence not to repeat again.



Hopefully, the Tulsa area overcomes this shameful history and thrives as it did before and people should remember this racial violence so it is never repeated again.


털사 지역이 예전처럼 이 부끄러운 역사를 극복하고 번영하기를 바라며, 국민들이 이 인종 폭력을 기억하여 다시는 이런 일이 반복되지 않기를 바란다.

