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1_____PPLE/Korean Textbook 1 (2202-)

PPLEB037. 3-18 N처럼, N같이 - 221024MON

PPLEB037. 3-18 N처럼, N같이 - 221024MON

PPLEB037. 3-18 N처럼, N같이 - 221024MON
교재 페이지 112-113
Unit 3. Particles - 18 N처럼, N같이


18 N처럼, N같이

Noun (명사) 처럼, Noun (명사) 같이

가수처럼 노래를 잘 불러요.
He sings like a professional singer.

하영 씨는 천사같이 착해요.
Hayeong is as kind as an angel.

영화배우같이 잘생겼어요.
He's as handsome as a movie actor.

** Grammar Focus

처럼/같이 expresses that some action or thing appears the same or very similar to the preceding noun.
It corresponds to 'like' or 'as ...as' in English.

Noun + 처럼/같이
인형처럼 예뻐요. (= 인형같이 예뻐요.)
아기처럼 웃어요. (= 아기같이 웃어요.)
엄마처럼 친절해요. (= 엄마같이 친절해요.)
실크처럼 부드러워요. (= 실크같이 부드러워요.)
하늘처럼 높아요. (= 하늘같이 높아요.)

** In Conversation

A 민우 씨 여자 친구가 예뻐요?
A Is Minu's girlfriend pretty?
B 네, 미스코리아처럼 예뻐요.
B Yes, she's as pretty as Miss Korea.

A 남자 친구가 어때요?
A What do you think of (my) boyfriend?
B 코미디언같이 재미있어요.
B He's as funny as a comedian.

A 서울이 복잡해요?
A Is Seoul crowded?
B 네, 일본 도쿄처럼 복잡해요.
B Yes, it's crowded like Tokyo, Japan.

** Check It Out!

처럼/같이 are often used in Korean to express characteristics metaphorically by comparing them to animals or other things in nature. Thus you will often encounter the following figures of speech used to describe people: someone scary is 호랑이처럼 무섭다, someone cute is 토끼처럼 귀엽다, someone slow to act is 거북이처럼 느리다, someone overweight is 돼지처럼 뚱뚱하다, and someone generous is 바다처럼 마음이 넓다.

** 이번주 연습 문제 (1024월-1030일)

This week's practice - On Your Own
Look at the pictures and write the appropriate answer for each item in the space provided.


(1) 우리 언니는 요리사처럼 요리를 잘해요.
(2) 슬퍼서 아이처럼 울었어요.
(3) 눈이 별처럼 빛나요.
(4) 우리 할아버지는 호랑이처럼 무서워요.
(5) 돌고래처럼 수영을 잘해요.
(6) 우리는 가족같이 친해요.
