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[CSP 대본 046] Entering The Closed Loop

[CSP 대본 046] Entering The Closed Loop
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Find Out What It`s Like to Enter and Navigate China`s "Closed Loop"; Get A Glimpse of Lunar New Year Events; Conservation Efforts in Australia Aired February 01, 2022 - 04:00:00   ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS C


** 원본 스크립트

February 01, 2022
Find Out What It's Like to Enter and Navigate China's "Closed Loop"; Get A Glimpse of Lunar New Year Events; Conservation Efforts in Australia

CNN 10

Find Out What It's Like to Enter and Navigate China's "Closed Loop"; Get A Glimpse of Lunar New Year Events; Conservation Efforts in Australia
Aired February 01, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET


Welcome to the shortest month of the year, and its very first edition of our show.
It's great to have you watching from around the world.

My name is Carl Azuz, and we're starting in the Chinese capital city of Beijing.
In three days, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games begin.
Like last summer's events in Tokyo, Japan, there are a lot of unique restrictions in place here because of coronavirus concerns.
China has some of the strictest rules on the planet and they include the country's closed loop system for the Olympics.
This aims to keep people involved in the games separate from the Chinese public in the hope of preventing the spread of COVID.

Unless their country's Olympic committee requires them to be vaccinated, athletes don't have to be inoculated to compete but those who aren't needed to arrive in Beijing weeks ago, because the International Olympic Committee has a mandatory 21 day quarantine requirement before they're able to move around.
And everyone, regardless of vaccination status, has to be tested daily.
Will this keep COVID out of the Olympics? No.
Organizers say their goal is zero spread, not zero cases as they do expect people will test positive.
Has anyone involved in these games tested positive yet?

Yes. Dozens of people, some before they left their home countries, others after they arrived in Beijing.

For some of the athletes with COVID, it means their Olympic dream is over, at least for the next four years regardless of whether they have mild or no symptoms.
But others are hoping they'll recover and test negative in advance of their events, in which case they will likely be allowed to compete.
This is a big effort because roughly 3,000 athletes are expected to participate in these games, in addition to the coaches, support staff, and members of the media who go there.


My team and I are traveling to Beijing for the Winter Olympic games, held under some of the strictest COVID countermeasures in the world.
Our journey starts weeks before.

I'm here in Tokyo.
It's 14 days before the game but I've already got to download this Olympic Health App, start tracking my health in here every day and upload my vaccine certificate.
I'm getting some de javu using this app since we had to use a similar one for the Tokyo Games, but this time I'm using a burner phone because of cybersecurity concerns in China.
For the next two weeks I'm limiting physical interactions with others as much as possible, 96 hours before departure.
Here we go in for my first test.

Back home I upload my information to get this green QR code.
Here we go.
We're taking off.

Just landed in Beijing.
It's totally surreal.
I haven't been back here since I moved about a year and a half ago.

First thing I saw walking off the airplane is a sea of hazmat suits.
Feels a bit more like going into a medical facility than the Olympic buzz you'd expect getting off the airplane.
That was extremely painful.
I just got a nose and a throat PCR test.
I was tearing up a bit.
I clear customs, immigration and get my Olympic badge without seeing a single face.
I'm officially in what organizers are calling the closed loop.
Multiple bubbles connected by dedicated transport.
The goal, to keep Olympic participants separate from the rest of China.

Finally on my way to the hotel on this special bus that's just for transporting Olympic participants.
Arrived at the hotel, they've got this giant wall all around the hotel so you can't just walk in and out easily.
The local staff here are also part of this bubble.
They'll have to quarantine for 21 days before leaving the bubble and returning to their homes in China.
Beijing isn't taking any chances.
Entire communities in China have gone into lockdown over even just one COVID case.
I've been waiting six hours.
Just got the call my results came back negative.
I am so relieved but it's not over yet.
I'll be tested daily and will be mostly confined to this room and Olympic venues during my entire stay here.

Selina Wang, CNN, Beijing.


As the world enters the month of February 2022, China and several other Asian countries are entering Lunar New Year, also known as Spring Festival or Chinese New Year, this is considered to be the most important holiday in the world's most populated country.
It traditionally triggers the largest annual human migration on Earth, when hundreds of millions of people travel home to be with their families.
Of course, concerns and restrictions related to COVID have put a damper on that.
Public events have been limited or cancelled in some Asian cities, but families are still gathering to celebrate the year 4720 on the Chinese calendar.
It’s symbolized by the tiger, specifically the water tiger this year.
Lunar New Year celebrations can last for up to 15 days.

10 Second Trivia.
Which of these animals is most closely related to a wombat?
Koala, Guinea Pig, Opossum or Prairie Dog.
They're both native to Australia.
They're both marsupials and wombats and koalas are closely related.

Wombats, at least the common bear nosed kind, are not considered endangered but koalas might be headed that way.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature lists Australia's koalas as vulnerable, meaning they are not officially endangered or extinct but there's a high risk of them going extinct in the wild.
Conservationists believe koala's numbers are decreasing in Australia by as much as 30 percent over the past four years according to the Australian Koala Foundation.
The nation's government has set aside tens of millions of dollars for restoring koala habitats, increasing awareness about the animals and funding more studies about them, but what's threatening koalas in the first place?


They're cute, cuddly and could one day be extinct, but the koala, one of Australia's iconic animals, may have just been thrown a lifeline by the Australian government.
The Prime Minister Scott Morrison pledging $35 million in the next four years to protect the species, after the number of koalas plummeted in the last few years.

We're investing in the world leading science in looking after our koala populations.
We are also investing heavily in education.
So, ensure not only the public can understand how they can care, but also importantly veterinarians right across the country.

One of the biggest threats to koalas, bush fires.
In 2019 and 2020, the World Wildlife Fund estimates more than 60,000 koalas were impacted in one of the country's worst fire seasons.
That's a dramatic loss since estimates of their total numbers range from nearly half a million to fewer than 100,000 in the wild.
Disease is also taking a toll on the species.
Wildlife conservationist Robert Irwin says, the funds are coming at a critical time for koalas.

They are on -- on the thin edge of the wedge, so any kind of support that we can get is greatly, greatly appreciated, and -- and very, very needed.
Our -- our environment is -- is suffering at the moment and so any steps that we can make toward a -- a brighter future, to make positive change.

Some conservationists say money isn't enough.
Some environmental groups say the government needs to pass stronger laws about deforestation and climate change to protect koala's habitats from being bulldozed, logged or burned.
The Australian Koala Foundation says their conservation status should be upgraded from vulnerable to critically endangered.
Many agree the money for now is helpful, but without addressing the larger issue Australia could one day lose what many people say is a national treasure.

Michael Holmes, CNN.


You don't necessarily need to organize a charity to help out a community.
Sometimes you just need to get to work.
That's what 14 year old Cohen Stahl has been doing this winter, shoveling his neighbor's driveways and clearing the snow around mailboxes and fire hydrants.
He had a quad ATV with a plow on it that he used for big sections and a shovel for smaller ones.
But while he was doing this one day, his ATV caught fire and was destroyed, so the owner of a local store who'd seen Cohen's good work online started a GoFundMe to help him buy a new ATV.
It raised the first $5,000 in less than 24 hours and when we put the show together it had raised more than $10,000.

Could that help him out? "Four-wheel". (Four wheel, For real)
He could keep "Cohen" (Cohen the boy, keep going), plowing forward without leaving the "Stahl". (Stahl the boy, Stall)
His GoFundMe has gotten a "quad" of donations.
It just goes to "snow" you how much "ATBelieve" in him.
Congrats Cohen.

We've got Hinckley Finlayson High School watching today from Hinckley, Minnesota.
Thank you for your comment and request on our YouTube channel.
I'm Carl Azuz.


** 파파고 번역

파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.

CNN 10

Find Out What It's Like to Enter and Navigate China's "Closed Loop"; Get A Glimpse of Lunar New Year Events; Conservation Efforts in Australia
Aired February 01, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET


CNN 10

중국의 "폐쇄 루프"에 들어가는 것이 어떤 것인지 알아보기; 구정 행사를 엿보기; 호주의 보존 노력
2022년 2월 1일 - 04:00 ET 방영

이건 급작스러운 성적표야 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.

Welcome to the shortest month of the year, and its very first edition of our show.
It's great to have you watching from around the world.

CNN 10 앵커 칼 아즈즈였습니다.
1년 중 가장 짧은 달에 오신 걸 환영합니다 저희 쇼의 첫 번째 에디션입니다
세계 각국에서 여러분을 볼 수 있어서 좋습니다.

My name is Carl Azuz, and we're starting in the Chinese capital city of Beijing.
In three days, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games begin.
Like last summer's events in Tokyo, Japan, there are a lot of unique restrictions in place here because of coronavirus concerns.
China has some of the strictest rules on the planet and they include the country's closed loop system for the Olympics.
This aims to keep people involved in the games separate from the Chinese public in the hope of preventing the spread of COVID.

제 이름은 칼 아즈입니다 중국의 수도 베이징에서 시작합니다
3일 후면 2022년 동계 올림픽이 시작된다.
지난 여름 일본 도쿄에서 있었던 행사들과 마찬가지로, 이곳에서는 코로나바이러스에 대한 우려로 인해 많은 독특한 제약들이 시행되고 있다.
중국은 지구상에서 가장 엄격한 규칙들 중 몇 가지를 가지고 있고 그것들은 올림픽을 위한 중국의 폐쇄 루프 시스템을 포함합니다.
이것은 COVID 확산을 막기 위한 희망으로 게임에 관련된 사람들을 중국 대중들과 분리시키는 것을 목표로 한다.

Unless their country's Olympic committee requires them to be vaccinated, athletes don't have to be inoculated to compete but those who aren't needed to arrive in Beijing weeks ago, because the International Olympic Committee has a mandatory 21 day quarantine requirement before they're able to move around.
And everyone, regardless of vaccination status, has to be tested daily.
Will this keep COVID out of the Olympics? No.
Organizers say their goal is zero spread, not zero cases as they do expect people will test positive.
Has anyone involved in these games tested positive yet?

국제올림픽위원회(IOC)는 21일 격리조치 후 이동해야 하기 때문에 선수들은 예방접종을 받지 않아도 베이징에 몇 주 전에 도착할 필요가 없는 선수들은 몇 주 전 베이징에 도착해야 한다.
그리고 예방접종 여부와 상관없이 모든 사람은 매일 검사를 받아야 합니다.
이것으로 인해 COVID가 올림픽에 참가하지 못하게 될까요? 아니요.
주최측은 사람들이 양성 반응을 보일 것으로 예상하기 때문에 제로 스프레드가 아니라 제로 스프레드라고 말한다.
이 게임에 관련된 누군가가 양성 반응을 보였나요?

Yes. Dozens of people, some before they left their home countries, others after they arrived in Beijing.

네, 수십 명이요 일부는 고국을 떠나기 전이고 나머지는 베이징에 도착한 후에요

For some of the athletes with COVID, it means their Olympic dream is over, at least for the next four years regardless of whether they have mild or no symptoms.
But others are hoping they'll recover and test negative in advance of their events, in which case they will likely be allowed to compete.
This is a big effort because roughly 3,000 athletes are expected to participate in these games, in addition to the coaches, support staff, and members of the media who go there.


COVID를 앓고 있는 선수들 중 일부는, 가벼운 증상이 있든 없든 상관없이, 적어도 앞으로 4년 동안은, 그들의 올림픽 꿈이 끝났음을 의미한다.
그러나 다른 사람들은 그들이 회복하기를 바라고 있고, 그들이 경기를 치르기 전에 음성 판정을 받기를 희망하고 있다.
감독, 지원 스태프, 그리고 그곳에 가는 언론사 회원들 외에도 약 3,000명의 선수들이 이 경기에 참가할 것으로 예상되기 때문에 이것은 큰 노력이다.

(BEGIN 비디오 클립)

My team and I are traveling to Beijing for the Winter Olympic games, held under some of the strictest COVID countermeasures in the world.
Our journey starts weeks before.

셀리나 왕 CNN 특파원:
저와 제 팀은 세계에서 가장 엄격한 COVID 대책 하에 열리는 동계 올림픽을 위해 베이징으로 여행을 갈 것입니다.
우리 여행은 몇 주 전에 시작해요.

I'm here in Tokyo.
It's 14 days before the game but I've already got to download this Olympic Health App, start tracking my health in here every day and upload my vaccine certificate.
I'm getting some de javu using this app since we had to use a similar one for the Tokyo Games, but this time I'm using a burner phone because of cybersecurity concerns in China.
For the next two weeks I'm limiting physical interactions with others as much as possible, 96 hours before departure.
Here we go in for my first test.

나 여기 도쿄에 있어.
경기 14일 전인데 벌써 이 올림픽 건강 앱을 다운받아서 매일 여기서 내 건강을 추적하고 백신 증명서를 올려야 해.
도쿄 대회 때도 비슷한 앱을 사용해야 해서 이 앱을 사용하고 있는데, 이번에는 중국의 사이버 보안 문제 때문에 버너폰을 사용하고 있습니다.
앞으로 2주 동안은 출발하기 96시간 전에 가능한 한 다른 사람들과의 신체적인 교류를 제한하려고 합니다.
첫 번째 테스트를 시작하겠습니다.

Back home I upload my information to get this green QR code.
Here we go.
We're taking off.

집에 가서 이 초록색 QR코드를 받기 위해 정보를 올립니다.

Just landed in Beijing.
It's totally surreal.
I haven't been back here since I moved about a year and a half ago.

방금 베이징에 도착했어
완전 초현실적이야.
1년 반 정도 전에 이사 온 이후로 여기 다시 온 적이 없어요.

First thing I saw walking off the airplane is a sea of hazmat suits.
Feels a bit more like going into a medical facility than the Olympic buzz you'd expect getting off the airplane.
That was extremely painful.
I just got a nose and a throat PCR test.
I was tearing up a bit.
I clear customs, immigration and get my Olympic badge without seeing a single face.
I'm officially in what organizers are calling the closed loop.
Multiple bubbles connected by dedicated transport.
The goal, to keep Olympic participants separate from the rest of China.

비행기에서 걸어 내려오는 걸 처음 본 건 유해 물질 슈트 바다야
비행기에서 내리는 올림픽의 웅성거림보다는 의료 시설에 들어가는 느낌이 좀 더 든다.
그것은 매우 고통스러웠다.
나는 방금 코와 목의 PCR 검사를 받았어.
눈물이 좀 났어요.
세관 통과, 입국심사, 올림픽 배지 발급까지 얼굴 하나 안 보고 할 수 있어요
나는 공식적으로 조직자들이 폐쇄 루프라고 부르는 것을 하고 있다.
전용 운송을 통해 여러 개의 버블이 연결되었습니다.
올림픽 참가국들을 중국의 나머지 국가들과 분리시키는 것이 목표이다.

Finally on my way to the hotel on this special bus that's just for transporting Olympic participants.
Arrived at the hotel, they've got this giant wall all around the hotel so you can't just walk in and out easily.
The local staff here are also part of this bubble.
They'll have to quarantine for 21 days before leaving the bubble and returning to their homes in China.

드디어 올림픽 참가자들을 수송하기 위한 이 특별한 버스를 타고 호텔로 가는 길입니다.
호텔에 도착하니 호텔 곳곳에 거대한 벽이 있어 쉽게 드나들 수 없습니다.
이곳의 현지 직원들 또한 이 거품의 일부입니다.
그들은 거품을 떠나 중국에 있는 그들의 집으로 돌아가기 전에 21일 동안 격리되어야 할 것이다.

Beijing isn't taking any chances.
Entire communities in China have gone into lockdown over even just one COVID case.
I've been waiting six hours.
Just got the call my results came back negative.
I am so relieved but it's not over yet.
I'll be tested daily and will be mostly confined to this room and Olympic venues during my entire stay here.

베이징은 위험을 무릅쓰고 있지 않다.
중국의 모든 커뮤니티가 단 한 건의 COVID 사건 때문에 폐쇄에 들어갔습니다.
6시간이나 기다렸어
방금 제 결과가 음성으로 나왔습니다.
안심이 되지만 아직 끝나지 않았어요.
저는 매일 테스트를 받을 것이고, 이곳에 머무는 동안 대부분 이 방과 올림픽 경기장에 국한될 것입니다.

Selina Wang, CNN, Beijing.


베이징, CNN 셀리나 왕입니다.

(비디오 클립 종료)

As the world enters the month of February 2022, China and several other Asian countries are entering Lunar New Year, also known as Spring Festival or Chinese New Year, this is considered to be the most important holiday in the world's most populated country.
It traditionally triggers the largest annual human migration on Earth, when hundreds of millions of people travel home to be with their families.
Of course, concerns and restrictions related to COVID have put a damper on that.
Public events have been limited or cancelled in some Asian cities, but families are still gathering to celebrate the year 4720 on the Chinese calendar.
It’s symbolized by the tiger, specifically the water tiger this year.
Lunar New Year celebrations can last for up to 15 days.

전 세계가 2022년 2월에 접어들면서, 중국을 비롯한 여러 아시아 국가들이 춘절 또는 춘절로도 알려진 구정에 접어들고 있으며, 이 날은 세계에서 가장 인구가 많은 나라에서 가장 중요한 명절로 여겨진다.
그것은 전통적으로 매년 수억 명의 사람들이 가족과 함께 하기 위해 집으로 여행을 가는 지구상에서 가장 큰 규모의 이주를 촉발한다.
물론, COVID와 관련된 우려와 제한은 그것에 찬물을 끼얹었다.
일부 아시아 도시에서는 공개 행사가 제한되거나 취소되었지만, 가족들은 여전히 중국 달력으로 4720년을 기념하기 위해 모이고 있다.
올해는 호랑이, 특히 물호랑이로 상징됩니다.
구정 행사는 최대 15일까지 지속될 수 있다.

10 Second Trivia.
Which of these animals is most closely related to a wombat?
Koala, Guinea Pig, Opossum or Prairie Dog.
They're both native to Australia.
They're both marsupials and wombats and koalas are closely related.

10초짜리 잡동사니.
이 동물들 중 웜뱃과 가장 가까운 동물은 무엇일까요?
코알라, 기니피그, 주머니쥐, 프레리독.
둘 다 호주가 원산지입니다.
그들은 모두 유대목이고 웜뱃이며 코알라는 가까운 친척입니다.

Wombats, at least the common bear nosed kind, are not considered endangered but koalas might be headed that way.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature lists Australia's koalas as vulnerable, meaning they are not officially endangered or extinct but there's a high risk of them going extinct in the wild.
Conservationists believe koala's numbers are decreasing in Australia by as much as 30 percent over the past four years according to the Australian Koala Foundation.
The nation's government has set aside tens of millions of dollars for restoring koala habitats, increasing awareness about the animals and funding more studies about them, but what's threatening koalas in the first place?


적어도 일반 곰코인 웜뱃은 멸종위기에 처해있지 않지만 코알라는 그쪽으로 향하고 있을 것이다.
국제자연보전연맹(IUCN)은 호주의 코알라를 취약종으로 분류하고 있는데, 이는 코알라가 공식적으로 멸종 위기에 처하거나 멸종된 것은 아니지만 야생에서 코알라가 멸종될 위험이 높다는 것을 의미한다.
호주 코알라 재단에 따르면, 환경 보호론자들은 호주에서 코알라의 개체수가 지난 4년 동안 30%까지 감소하고 있다고 믿고 있다.
한국 정부는 코알라의 서식지를 복원하고, 코알라에 대한 인식을 높이고, 코알라에 대한 더 많은 연구에 자금을 지원하기 위해 수천만 달러를 책정했지만, 애초에 코알라를 위협하는 것이 무엇일까?

(BEGIN 비디오 클립)

They're cute, cuddly and could one day be extinct, but the koala, one of Australia's iconic animals, may have just been thrown a lifeline by the Australian government.
The Prime Minister Scott Morrison pledging $35 million in the next four years to protect the species, after the number of koalas plummeted in the last few years.

마이클 홈즈 CNN 국제 특파원:
그들은 귀엽고 껴안고 싶고 언젠가는 멸종될 수도 있지만, 호주의 상징적인 동물 중 하나인 코알라는 호주 정부에 의해 생명줄을 던져졌을지도 모른다.
스콧 모리슨 총리는 코알라의 수가 지난 몇 년간 급감하자 코알라를 보호하기 위해 앞으로 4년 동안 3500만 달러를 약속했다.

We're investing in the world leading science in looking after our koala populations.
We are also investing heavily in education.
So, ensure not only the public can understand how they can care, but also importantly veterinarians right across the country.

스콧 모리슨 호주 총리:
우리는 우리의 코알라 개체수를 돌보는데 있어 세계를 선도하는 과학에 투자하고 있습니다.
우리는 또한 교육에 많은 투자를 하고 있습니다.
그래서 대중들이 어떻게 그들이 보살필 수 있는지 이해할 수 있도록 해야 할 뿐만 아니라, 중요한 것은 전국의 수의사들도 확실히 해야 한다.

One of the biggest threats to koalas, bush fires.
In 2019 and 2020, the World Wildlife Fund estimates more than 60,000 koalas were impacted in one of the country's worst fire seasons.
That's a dramatic loss since estimates of their total numbers range from nearly half a million to fewer than 100,000 in the wild.
Disease is also taking a toll on the species.
Wildlife conservationist Robert Irwin says, the funds are coming at a critical time for koalas.

코알라에게 가장 큰 위협 중 하나는 덤불입니다.
2019년과 2020년에, 세계야생생물기금은 60,000마리 이상의 코알라들이 그 나라의 최악의 화재 시즌 중 하나에 영향을 받았다고 추정한다.
야생에서 그들의 총 개체수는 거의 50만 마리에서 10만 마리 이하로 추정되기 때문에 그것은 극적인 손실이다.
질병은 또한 그 종에게 피해를 주고 있다.
야생동물 보호론자인 로버트 어윈은 코알라에게 자금이 매우 중요한 시기에 지원될 것이라고 말했습니다.

They are on -- on the thin edge of the wedge, so any kind of support that we can get is greatly, greatly appreciated, and -- and very, very needed.
Our -- our environment is -- is suffering at the moment and so any steps that we can make toward a -- a brighter future, to make positive change.

환경보호론자 로버트 어윈:
그들은-- 쐐기의 가장자리에 있습니다. 그래서 우리가 얻을 수 있는 어떤 종류의 지원도 매우, 매우, 매우 감사합니다.
우리의 환경은 지금 고통받고 있습니다. 그래서 긍정적인 변화를 만들기 위해 더 밝은 미래를 향해 우리가 할 수 있는 모든 단계들이요.

Some conservationists say money isn't enough.
Some environmental groups say the government needs to pass stronger laws about deforestation and climate change to protect koala's habitats from being bulldozed, logged or burned.
The Australian Koala Foundation says their conservation status should be upgraded from vulnerable to critically endangered.
Many agree the money for now is helpful, but without addressing the larger issue Australia could one day lose what many people say is a national treasure.

Michael Holmes, CNN.

일부 환경보호론자들은 돈만으로는 충분하지 않다고 말한다.
일부 환경단체들은 코알라의 서식지가 불도저로 밀리거나 벌목되거나 불에 타는 것을 막기 위해 정부가 삼림 벌채와 기후 변화에 관한 더 강력한 법을 통과시킬 필요가 있다고 말한다.
호주 코알라 재단은 그들의 보존 상태가 취약에서 심각한 멸종 위기로 업그레이드되어야 한다고 말한다.
많은 사람들은 그 돈이 현재로서는 도움이 된다는 것에 동의하지만, 더 큰 문제를 해결하지 않으면 호주는 많은 사람들이 국보라고 말하는 것을 언젠가 잃을 수 있다.

CNN 마이클 홈즈였습니다.


(비디오 클립 종료)

You don't necessarily need to organize a charity to help out a community.
Sometimes you just need to get to work.
That's what 14 year old Cohen Stahl has been doing this winter, shoveling his neighbor's driveways and clearing the snow around mailboxes and fire hydrants.
He had a quad ATV with a plow on it that he used for big sections and a shovel for smaller ones.
But while he was doing this one day, his ATV caught fire and was destroyed, so the owner of a local store who'd seen Cohen's good work online started a GoFundMe to help him buy a new ATV.
It raised the first $5,000 in less than 24 hours and when we put the show together it had raised more than $10,000.

공동체를 돕기 위해 반드시 자선단체를 조직할 필요는 없다.
가끔은 일을 해야 할 때도 있어요.
14살의 코헨 스탈은 올 겨울 이웃의 차도를 삽으로 치우고 우체통과 소화전 주변의 눈을 치우는 일을 하고 있다.
그는 4개의 ATV에 쟁기가 달려있었고 큰 부분에는 쟁기를, 작은 부분에는 삽을 사용했다.
그러나 그가 이것을 하는 동안, 그의 ATV에 불이 붙었고 파괴되었다. 그래서 코헨의 좋은 작품을 온라인에서 본 지역 가게 주인은 그가 새로운 ATV를 사는 것을 돕기 위해 GoFundMe를 시작했다.
그것은 24시간 안에 첫 5,000달러를 모았고 우리가 쇼를 합쳤을 때 10,000달러 이상을 모았습니다.

Could that help him out? "Four-wheel". (Four wheel, For real)
He could keep "Cohen" (Cohen the boy, keep going), plowing forward without leaving the "Stahl". (Stahl the boy, Stall)
His GoFundMe has gotten a "quad" of donations.
It just goes to "snow" you how much "ATBelieve" in him.
Congrats Cohen.

그게 도움이 될까요? "4륜" (사륜)
그는 "코헨"(소년 코헨, 계속 가십시오)을 떠나지 않고 앞으로 갈 수 있습니다.
그의 GoFundMe는 많은 기부금을 받았다.
그가 얼마나 "ATBelieve"한지 "Snow"로 넘어가죠.
축하해요 코헨.

We've got Hinckley Finlayson High School watching today from Hinckley, Minnesota.
Thank you for your comment and request on our YouTube channel.
I'm Carl Azuz.

오늘 미네소타 힝클리에서 힌클리 핀레이슨 고등학교가 시청하고 있습니다.
저희 유튜브 채널에서 댓글과 요청을 해주셔서 감사합니다.
난 칼 아즈야



** END
