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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240918WED: Q912

240918WED: Q912
Have you cried lately?
최근에 울었던 적이 있습니까?

I’ve cried recently, mostly while watching emotional moments in TV shows, and I think it’s a healthy way to express feelings.

최근에, 주로 TV 프로그램에서 감동적인 장면을 보면서 울었습니다.
이런 감정 표현은 건강한 방식이라고 생각합니다.




240918WED: Q912

Have you cried lately?


Yes, I’ve cried recently, even today.

Sometimes I find myself tearing up while watching TV shows or movies.

Lately, I’ve been watching Netflix series, and a few moments from those shows have made me cry a little.

It’s not because of anything serious happening in my life, but emotional scenes just get to me sometimes.


I think it’s normal to cry when watching something that touches your heart.

Certain scenes, whether sad or uplifting, can stir up emotions we may not even realize are there.

For me, it’s not about being sad in my own life, but more about how connected I feel to the story or characters on screen.


Over the past few days, I haven’t cried for any serious reason.

My tears have mostly been because of touching or emotional moments in shows I’ve been watching.

I believe crying, even for something as small as a TV show, is a healthy way to express emotions.

In our daily lives, we might hold back tears, but letting ourselves cry can be a release.

It doesn’t always have to be because of something tragic.

Sometimes, it’s just about feeling something deeply and letting it out.


Even though I haven’t cried over anything serious lately, I think it’s perfectly okay to shed a few tears over a touching moment in a show.

Crying reminds me that I’m still connected to my emotions, and that’s a good thing.

It’s a way to process what we’re feeling, whether it’s joy, sadness, or just a powerful connection to a story.


Words 256 of 76988

Characters 1413 of 459266

Characters excluding spaces 1173 of 388521









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