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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240821WED: Q884

240821WED: Q884
What is your biggest fear?
당신의 가장 큰 두려움은 무엇입니까?

My biggest fear is losing what’s most important to me—my health, loved ones, lifestyle, and life itself.

저의 가장 큰 두려움은 저에게 가장 중요한 것, 즉 건강, 사랑하는 사람, 생활 방식, 삶 자체를 잃는 것입니다.




240821WED: Q884

What is your biggest fear?


I don’t usually spend much time thinking about my fears, but if I had to choose, my biggest fear would likely be losing what’s most important to me.

This could mean my health, the people I love, or the life I’ve worked to build.

Each of these is precious, and the thought of losing them is unsettling.


The fear of losing health is something many people can relate to.

Health allows us to enjoy life, pursue our goals, and spend time with loved ones.

If my health were to fail, it could change everything, taking away my ability to live as I do now.


Another fear is losing the people I care about.

Loved ones bring meaning to life through their support and companionship.

The idea of losing them is painful, not just because of their absence, but also because of the emotional impact and loneliness that can follow.


I also fear losing the lifestyle I’ve built.

This includes my job, my home, and the routines that bring me comfort.

The idea of losing these things can be daunting because it could mean starting over or facing uncertainty.


Ultimately, my biggest fear might be death itself.

Death is the final loss, where everything in life comes to an end.

The thought of death is frightening because it’s unknown and means losing everything that makes life meaningful.


In summary, my biggest fear is losing what I hold dear, my health, loved ones, lifestyle, and life itself.

While these fears are real, I choose to focus on living in the present and appreciating what I have rather than letting fear take over.


Words 270 of 69026

Characters 1495 of 415031

Characters excluding spaces 1242 of 351572








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