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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240720SAT: Q852

240720SAT: Q852
Which age would you replay if you could?
어떤 나이를 다시 살고 싶나요?

I wouldn't replay any age because I prefer to live in the present and look forward to the future.

어떤 나이도 다시 살고 싶지 않습니다. 현재를 살고 미래를 기대하는 것이 더 좋아요.




240720SAT: Q852

Which age would you replay if you could?


If I could replay any age, I wouldn’t choose to relive any part of my life.

While some people might want to go back and change certain events, I believe in living in the present and looking forward to the future.


Every stage of my life has been a learning experience.

The joys, sorrows, successes, and failures have all shaped who I am today.

Reliving any age would mean repeating the same lessons, and I prefer to grow and move forward rather than look back.


Living in the present moment allows me to appreciate where I am now.

It gives me the opportunity to embrace new experiences and face challenges head-on.

The idea of replaying an age doesn’t appeal to me because it takes away from the beauty of living in the now.


The past is unchangeable.

Even if I could go back, I wouldn’t be able to alter the outcomes of certain events.

The mistakes I’ve made have been valuable lessons, and the achievements have been milestones that propelled me forward.

Replaying an age would mean experiencing those same ups and downs without the element of surprise or the growth that comes from moving through life naturally.


Focusing on the present moment is more fulfilling.

It allows me to set new goals, cherish current relationships, and work towards a future that excites me.

Dwelling on the past, or wishing to replay it, can prevent me from fully engaging with the opportunities and experiences available right now.


The concept of replaying an age implies a sense of regret or a desire to change something about my past.

I prefer to live without regrets, seeing each experience as a stepping stone.

Every age I’ve lived through has contributed to my personal and professional growth, and I wouldn’t want to change that path.


In summary, while the idea of replaying an age might seem appealing to some, I choose to focus on the present and look forward to the future.

Each moment is unique and valuable, and living in the now allows me to make the most of my life.

The past has its place in shaping who I am, but it’s the present that holds the promise of new adventures, growth, and fulfillment.

So, I wouldn’t replay any age, as I find more meaning and excitement in the journey ahead.


Words 389 of 60245

Characters 2160 of 363192

Characters excluding spaces 1793 of 307745









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