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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240717WED: Q849

240717WED: Q849
Do you miss anyone right now?
지금 보고 싶은 사람이 있습니까?

Right now, I'm thinking about loved ones, feeling warm but not missing anyone intensely.

지금은 사랑하는 사람들이 생각납니다. 따뜻한 기분이 들지만 특별히 누군가를 심하게 그리워하지는 않는 것 같아요.




240717WED: Q849

Do you miss anyone right now?


Right now, I'm thinking about the people I care about, though I don't feel a strong sense of missing anyone specific.

Throughout life, memories of my partner, family, and friends often come to mind, bringing back feelings of nostalgia and warmth.

These are the people who have deeply influenced me, shaping who I am today with their love, support, and shared experiences.


My partner holds a special place in my heart, bringing joy and companionship to my days.

Whether through small acts of kindness or deep conversations, his impact on my life is profound.

Even when he's not around, thoughts of him bring a smile to my face, a reminder of the bond we've formed.


Family also occupies a significant part of my thoughts.

They provided the foundation of my upbringing, offering love, guidance, and a sense of belonging that's irreplaceable.


Among friends, I have a chosen family, those who've stood by me through thick and thin.

Each friend brings unique perspectives and shared memories that span years.


While I may not feel a strong sense of missing anyone intensely right now, these reflections remind me of the value of human connections. They underscore the depth of emotional ties that sustain us and give meaning to our lives.

Even in moments of solitude, memories and shared experiences with loved ones bring comfort and reassurance.


In summary, although I may not currently yearn for anyone in particular, thoughts of my loved ones bring me solace and a profound appreciation for the relationships that shape my world.

They remind me that these bonds endure despite time and distance, grounding me during quiet moments and guiding me toward a future filled with love and meaningful connections.


Words 283 of 59323

Characters 1688 of 358030

Characters excluding spaces 1419 of 303432








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