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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240614FRI: Q816

240614FRI: Q816
Favorite color and/or non-color?

가장 좋아하는 색이나 무채색은?

My favorite color is black because it's elegant and versatile, and I also like pastels like brown, pink, and green for their calming and uplifting qualities.

제가 가장 좋아하는 색은 검은색입니다. 이유는 우아함과 다목적성이 있기 때문입니다. 갈색, 분홍색, 녹색과 같은 파스텔 색상도 좋아하는데 이유는 차분하면서 발랄한 특징을 가지고 있기 때문입니다.



240614FRI: Q816

Favorite color and/or non-color?


My favorite color is black, but I also like brown, pink, green, mint, pastel colors, and monotones.

I'm not a fan of bright colors, but I enjoy the softness and subtlety of pastel shades.


Black is my top favorite because of its elegance and versatility.

It effortlessly pairs with any color in clothing, accessories, or home decor, adding sophistication.


Brown brings warmth and comfort with its earthy tones.

It creates a cozy look in fashion and blends beautifully with natural landscapes.


Pink, especially blush or dusty rose, symbolizes tenderness and femininity.

It adds joy and playfulness without overwhelming.


Green, from deep forest to mint, represents nature and growth.

It's calming and refreshing, bringing balance and harmony to any setting.


Mint and pastels are soothing and serene, perfect for creating peaceful environments that promote relaxation.


Monotones like grayscale and sepia appeal to my minimalist aesthetic.

They offer simplicity and sophistication, ideal for modern designs.


Overall, while I appreciate many colors for their unique qualities and emotional impact, black remains my favorite due to its timeless appeal and compatibility with my personal style.


Words 181 of 50319

Characters 1173 of 303181

Characters excluding spaces 1006 of 256734








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