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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240415MON: Q756

240415MON: Q756
Favorite kind of weather?
좋아하는 날씨는?

I like sunny and warm weather because it makes me feel happy and alive. But I don't really like cold weather, even though I enjoy winter holidays.

맑고 따뜻한 날씨를 좋아합니다. 그런 날씨에는 기분이 좋고 살아있는 기분이 들어요. 하지만 추운 날씨는 별로 좋아하지 않습니다. 겨울 휴가는 좋아하지만 말이에요.




240415MON: Q756

Favorite kind of weather?


Personally, I adore sunny and warm weather.

While I don't mind dry conditions, I'm not particularly fond of rainy or excessively humid weather.


There's something about the warmth of the sun on my skin that truly invigorates me.

It infuses everything with brightness and vibrancy, making outdoor activities all the more enjoyable.

Whether it's going for leisurely walks, bike rides, or having picnics in the park, sunny weather creates the perfect backdrop for making cherished memories.


One of the aspects I appreciate most about sunny and warm weather is its positive impact on my plants.

Being an avid gardener, I find joy in tending to my garden and watching my plants thrive under the sun's nourishing rays.

Witnessing their growth and blossoming serves as a beautiful reminder of the vitality and beauty of life.


However, I must confess that I'm not particularly fond of winter.

The cold weather leaves me feeling dreary and uninspired, and I find little enjoyment in bundling up in layers of clothing.

While I do relish the winter holidays and the chance to spend time with loved ones, I eagerly await the return of spring with its warmth and sunshine.


In summary, my favorite kind of weather is undoubtedly sunny and warm.

It fills me with a sense of vitality and optimism, making each day feel like a new adventure.

The sun's radiant glow uplifts my spirits and encourages me to embrace the wonders of the great outdoors.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to bask in its warmth and splendor.


Words 256 of 34151

Characters 1491 of 206911

Characters excluding spaces 1250 of 175275








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