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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240316SAT: Q726

240316SAT: Q726
Have you had any moment when you suddenly felt like crying without any reason?
아무 이유 없이 갑자기 울고 싶은 순간이 있었나요?

Experiencing sudden tears without a clear reason is rare for me, but it has happened unexpectedly, leaving me feeling vulnerable and emotional.

갑작스럽게 이유를 알 수 없는 눈물을 흘리는 경험은 나에게 드물지만, 예상치 못하게 일어나면서 마음이 약해지고 감정적이 격해진 경험이 있습니다.



240316SAT: Q726

Have you had any moment when you suddenly felt like crying without any reason?


For me, experiencing moments of sudden tears without a clear reason is quite rare.

However, there have been a few occasions where I found myself unexpectedly overcome with emotion, catching me off guard.

These instances are puzzling because they seem to arise out of nowhere, leaving me feeling vulnerable and teary-eyed.


These episodes of unexplained crying can occur in various situations, whether I'm alone or surrounded by others.

Sometimes, they coincide with periods of heightened stress or anxiety, amplifying my emotions and leading to spontaneous tears.

Other times, they strike without warning, triggered by a fleeting thought or memory.


In such moments, I try to approach my feelings with acceptance and understanding, recognizing that it's okay to experience and express emotions, even when their origin is unclear.

I allow myself to cry without judgment, understanding that tears can be a natural and healthy response to internal or external stimuli.


Engaging in self-soothing activities like deep breathing, journaling, or seeking comfort from loved ones can help me navigate these sudden bursts of emotion and regain my composure.

By acknowledging and embracing my feelings, I can process them in a healthy way and move forward with a renewed sense of clarity and emotional resilience.


Words 202 of 153900

Characters 1291 of 887388

Characters excluding spaces 1099 of 745393






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