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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 230921THU: Q549


230921 Q549.m4a


230921THU: Q549

Am I being loved?


If this question pertains to me, then indeed, I am fortunate enough to be cherished by many.

If, however, this question refers to the individual who posed it, I sincerely hope that they too are experiencing love and affection in their life.

It fills me with gratitude to be able to respond affirmatively, knowing that I am indeed loved. 


But what if you feel as though you aren't loved by anyone?

It's essential to remember that each and every one of us is deserving of love and affection.

Even if you may not perceive it at this moment, there is love out there waiting for you.

Sometimes, we have to be the first to love ourselves.

Embracing self-love is a powerful and transformative experience.

It allows us to recognize our own worth, appreciate our unique qualities, and cultivate a deep sense of contentment within ourselves. 


When we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, we become more open to receiving love from others.

It's a beautiful journey that starts from within.

So, even if you may feel unloved at present, know that you possess the ability to be the first person to love yourself.

Nurture that love, embrace it, and let it radiate from within you.

Love has a way of finding its way into our lives when we least expect it, and it all begins with self-acceptance and self-compassion.


Remember, you are deserving of love, and you have the power to create a life filled with love and joy.

Believe in yourself, be kind to yourself, and never underestimate the transformative power of self-love.


Words 263 of 94230

Characters 1496 of 522546

Characters excluding spaces 1247 of 435908

